In this article we review the most important aspects you should know to avoid a fine for accessing the ACIRE zone in Palma as a Muvon Carsharing driver.
As you may already know, electric cars do not pay ORA in most municipalities in Mallorca. However, although in some European cities shared electric vehicles enjoy certain privileges such as access to low emission zones in Madrid, London or Paris, it is important to bear in mind that traffic restrictions affect electric vehicles equally when driving in the historic centre of Palma or ACIRE zones.
We recommend that you check the Palma City Council’s MobiPalma page to ensure that the information in this article is up to date. This article was last updated in March 2023.
What is ACIRE zone?
ACIRE corresponds to the Areas of Restricted Circulation in the historic centre of Palma. These are special zones whose access is only allowed to vehicles with an ACIRE card (residents) or other vehicles exempt from authorisation, such as public transport or goods vehicles.
However, you can request authorisation to drive without parking up to 10 times per year for the same number plate in any of Palma’s ACIRE zones.
How to request access to an ACIRE zone
You can request access to an ACIRE zone through 3 channels:
- By phone: calling +34971225530 24 hours a day.
- By e-mail: writing to
- Through the intercoms installed at the entrance of the ACIRE area you wish to access.
It can be requested in advance, at the time of access and up to 5 days after accessing the ACIRE area.
In any of the 3 cases you must provide your name and surname, ID number, car’s number plate and the reason why you want to access.
Remember that the authorisation gives you permission to drive, without parking, only in the ACIRE zone for which you are requesting access. Authorisations are valid for the same day on which they are requested (until 23:59) and as long as access is gained via the same street or entrance road on that day.
ACIRE zones and access
Currently (March 2022) there are 12 ACIRE zones in Palma, each one with its corresponding accesses. Remember to request authorisation through any of the channels provided for this purpose (telephone, email or intercom) in order to avoid fines.
- Banc De L’oli: access via Volta de la Mercè.
- La Calatrava: access via Santa Fe.
- Catedral: access via Palau Reial.
- Constitució: access via Tous i Maroto.
- Drassana: access via P. Sagrera, Apuntadors, Sant Feliu and Porta Santa Catalina.
- Els Hostalets.
- El Jonquet: access via Molins de Migjorn.
- Plaça Del Mercat.
- Sant Bartomeu: access via Monges
- Sant Jaume: access via Pl. Sta. Magdalena and Concepció.
- Santa Eulàlia: access via Cadena, Corderia, Temple, Socors and Hostals
- Missió: access via Horts, Cardenal Pou and Francesc de B. Moll

Reasons for accessing an ACIRE zone with Muvon vehicles
You can request permission to circulate, without parking, in an ACIRE zone as long as you meet the following requirements or the reason for entry is one of the following*:
- Residents with temporary vehicles on a rental basis (Muvon), providing a copy of the rental contract in which you are listed as the lessee. (Application in person)
- Drivers who need to carry out loading and unloading operations, to circulate without parking, with a maximum of 10 entries per year. (Online application)
- Owners or associates of a business, company or professional office with temporary vehicles for hire, providing a copy of the rental contract in which they are listed as the lessee. (In-person application)
- Owners of non-registered properties who have previously applied for an ACIRE permit for their home, as long as they send the City Council the Muvon short-term rental contract and the details match the ACIRE permit for the home. (Application in person)
* Check the information on the types of authorisations by visiting the MobiPalma page related to driving in ACIRE zones.
Traffic regulations in ACIRE zones
As these are residential areas where there is a higher concentration of pedestrians and whose streets are not designed for cars, it is important to respect the traffic rules:
- The maximum speed is 20 km/hr.
- Pedestrians always have priority.
- Bicycles are allowed to ride against the direction of travel.
Fine for entering an ACIRE zone
How do I know if I have been fined?
The access roads to each zone have cameras that read the car’s number plate and check with the ACIRE database whether the vehicle has a permit or not.
If you have accessed an ACIRE zone without requesting permission, you are likely to receive a penalty or fine within approximately 3 months.
If you are not sure whether you have committed an offence, we recommend that you apply for authorisation with your name and surname, ID number and car registration number for the day you entered within 5 days of entering. This way you will avoid a possible fine.
¿Cuánto es la multa por ACIRE?
What is the procedure for paying an ACIRE fine with Muvon?
At Muvon we try to prevent penalties by informing drivers about the restrictions in force. If in doubt, you can always call us and we will do our best to avoid the fine.
When we receive a fine, we are obliged to inform the authorities of the identity of the driver linked to the booking. From the moment you receive the fine, you have 20 days to pay with a 50% early payment bonus.
Muvon reserves the right to apply a surcharge of €20 for identifying the driver as stipulated in point 12 – surcharges – of our terms and conditions.

Access to the Muvon car park at ACIRE Calatrava
You can access the Muvon car park on Calle Pelletería via the following entrances:
Santa Fe at Plaza de la Porta del Camp (ACIRE Calatrava).
Continue straight on Santa Fe and turn into Carrer del Vent (fourth street on the right). Turn right onto Carrer Mont-Sion and left onto Carrer Pelleteria until you reach the car park.
Antoni Maura from Plaza de la Reina (ACIRE Catedral)
From Avda. Gabriel Roca (next to the Almudaina Palace and the Cathedral) access Plaza de la Reina. Take the first exit on the right and continue along C. del Conquistador until you reach Plaza de Cort (Town Hall) and take Cadena street.
Cadena in Plaza de Cort (ACIRE Santa Eulalia)
From Calle Cadena, cross Plaza de Santat Eulalia and continue straight on along C. Fortuny, C. Call and Monti-Sion until you reach C. Pelleteria.
Before entering an ACIRE zone, ask for permission.
If you have entered an ACIRE zone without knowing it, remember that you can request authorisation up to 5 days after entering.
If you need to access an ACIRE zone to load or unload, remember that the authorisation is for driving and not for parking.
The authorisation allows you to circulate until 23:59 on the same day. If you need to enter and leave the zone more than once a day, do so through the same entrance.
Respect the traffic rules, bearing in mind that these are residential areas where pedestrians and bicycles have priority: always drive at less than 20 km/h so as not to disturb the neighbours.
By sharing an electric car with other drivers, you not only promote sustainable mobility, but also but also generate a positive impact on the streets, recovering the space normally occupied by a car parked 95% of its time.